Even I do wish

Live Your Life
2 min readApr 15, 2022


In our school days, answering the textual question was tough. Then in our college days, answering our professors was tough, and replying to client escalation emails was tough. As we grew, previous questions look simple. Three years back, when my daughter saw me when I was sitting in a wheelchair, which she has never seen before, she asked me, “Amma. You don’t have any scratches, aren’t you perfect? Then why don’t you walk?” That little kid is not aware of the spinal cord injury and its consequences.

In movies, fantasy stories, we have heard about Time Machine. A single click of the button would help us sail back to the past and alter the life events. SCI people started adopting the new life but in the corner of their heart, have a longing back for a time machine to travel past and erase the life-changing moment which made them spinal injured person. Even I do wish for a Time machine.

We all speak about an inclusive society, where physically challenged people don’t have accessibility barriers and live independently. We may demand an inclusive community. Deep in our hearts expect an exclusive community where we are not distinct from others. The actual barriers are the perception of society, not the accessibilities. Even I do wish for a new world.

Helen Keller, Christoper Reeve, Muniba Mazara, Preethi Srinivasan’s achievements are tremendous. The sound of their name reminds us about their physical deformity, but their achievements come next. Achievement is an achievement, then why is it distinguished between the able-bodied and differently-abled. Even I do wish that people get recognized for their achievements and hardship, not their physical statuses.

There are many scientific advancements over several years, but the subject of cell non-rejuvenation in the Spinal Cord remains unanswered. All the assisted devices help SCI people to lead supportive life, but the cure remains a mystery. Even I do wish for a speedy recovery, not waiting for a miracle.

Patience is an art to inculcated within every person. Time made me learn that art to be patient. That’s why in hospital, we are called patients, as we have to patient many times. Even I do wish to be calm, manage the anger, and not be called a patient.

There are different management that everyone has to learn at various stages of life. When my physio told me about Pain management, it is a new area of management that needs exploration. Though we don’t have sensation below the injury, the pain is unbearable. Even I do wish to learn pain management which relieves me from physical and emotional grief.

Even I do wish to answer my daughter that “Amma sits temporarily and will walk.”



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